Николай Никандров

Путь к женщине

Настоящий сборник представляет читателю не переиздававшиеся более 70 лет произведения Н.Н.Никандрова (1868-1964), которого А.И.Солженицын назвал среди лучших писателей XX века (он поддержал и намерение выпустить эту книгу). Творчество...

Jorge Braga De Macedo, Colm Foy, Charles P. Oman

Development Is Back

Achieving the economic development of poor countries remains a formidable challenge which increasingly preoccupies OECD countries. The Organization?s Development Centre was founded in 1962 as one means to study and to confront the problems of...

Alberto Alesina, Nouriel Roubini, Gerald D. Cohen

Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy

"This book is an important achievement in Political Economy, by two of the most creative researchers in the field. The ideas here, developed over many years by Alesina and Roubini, have already stimulated considerable new research and important...

Michael Baye, Michael Baye

Managerial Economics & Business Strategy w/Data Disk

Baye's Managerial Economics and Business Strategy is one of the best-selling managerial economics textbooks. It is the first textbook to blend tools from intermediate microeconomics, game theory, and industrial organization for a managerial...

Steven R. Knowlton

Moral Reasoning for Journalists: Cases and Commentary

The nature of journalism requires that ethical decisions be made at every stage. While many of these decisions lead to obvious choices, many present thorny problems; some questions may be so subtle that they are not even noticed consciously by the...

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