Ненси Дженкин

Ладья под пирамидой

Издание 1986 года. Сохранность хорошая. В книге британского исследователя Ненси Дженкинс рассказывается о том, как в 1854 г. в Египте было сделано уникальное открытие - в глубокой шахте у пирамиды фараона Хеопса была обнаружена ритуальная ладья...

Jonathan Baskin, Paul J. Miranti, Paul J. Miranti Jr.

A History of Corporate Finance

This study focuses on the role of institutions and organizations in the development of corporate finance from the Italian merchant banks of the Renaissance through the formation of conglomerates and leveraged-buy-out partnerships in contemporary...

Annie Brooking

Intellectual Capital: Core asset for the third millennium

This book shows that intangible assets are becoming as important as tangible assets in a knowledge-based service-oriented economy. It provides practical advice on how to identify, document and manage these assets. The book provides a framework for...

Dan M. Guy, D. R. Carmichael, O. Ray Whittington

Practitioner's Guide to Audit Sampling

This reference book guides readers in the application of statistical and nonstatistical sampling-to auditing financial statements, testing internal control, and assessing compliance with laws and regulations. Featuring simple discussions of all...

Benjamin Rand

Selections Illustrating Economic History Since the Seven Years' War

This is a reprint of the revised and enlarged fourth edition originally published in 1903. Five new selections were added in this edition, thereby bringing it down to the end of the nineteenth century. In 1882 the president and fellows of...

<<<  С. И. Волкова, И. С. Ордынкина. Математика. Тесты. ...             Финансы России. 2004. Статистический сборник. В сборнике помещены статистические ... >>>

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