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Computational Information Retrieval Conference, Michael W. Berry, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Computational Information Retrieval
This volume contains selected papers that focus on the use of linear algebra, computational statistics, and computer science in the development of algorithms and software systems for text retrieval. Experts in information modeling and retrieval...
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Robert Crouch, Michael Amundsen Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual InterDev 6 in 21 Days (Teach Yourself -- Days)
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual InterDev in 21Days, is a tutorial that allows you to learn about working with databases in a set amount of time. The book presents you with a step-by-step approach to learning what can be a...
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Steven Johnson Interface Culture : How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate
In this hip, erudite manifesto, Steven Johnson bridges the gap that yawns between technology and the arts. Drawing on his own expertise in the humanities and on the Web, Steven Johnson not only demonstrates how interfaces-those buttons,...
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Joseph Lowery Design and Deploy Websites with Macromedia Dreamweaver and Contribute : Training from the Source
Tired of watching your elegantly constructed Web sites dissolve into a jumble of disorganized pages, broken links, and badly written code as they're updated and added to over time? Then get this guide and regain control by learning to design and...
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Детское чтение. Для детей 3 - 4 лет
В сборник вошли русские и зарубежные народные сказки, песенки, загадки, скороговорки, стихотворения классиков отечественной поэзии и многие другие произведения, рекомендованные для чтения детям 3 - 4 лет....
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой John P. Calamos. Convertible Securities: The Latest Instruments,
О компьютерах
Н. В. Новоторцева. Большая книга наклеек
Агент майл.ру
Timothy J. O'Leary, Linda I, O'Leary. Microsoft Word
Уцелеть... в семье?. Современное отношение общества к наркомании
Гараж. Андрей Мягков ("Служебный роман"), Лия Ахеджакова ("О бедном
С. Р. Кови. Восьмой навык: От эффективности
D. E. Tarver. The Art of War
Евгений Крылатов, Леонид Дербенев. Не
Н. К. Ханнанов, Г. А. Чижов, Т. А. Ханнанова. Физика.
Мистер Питкин: вверх тормашками. Норман Уиздом ("Из
Из рук в руки