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Mark Beck, Shelley Hess, Erica Miller, Mark F. Beck, Erica T. Miller Massage Basics:: Guide to Swedish, Shiatsu, and Reflexology Techniques
Do you want to learn more about massage or how to give one? Drawing on the expertise of leading massage educators, this book demonstrates in detail the massage movements and procedures that professional therapists use. With precise, two-color...
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Andrew J. Nathan, Tianjian Shi, Helena V. S. Ho China's Transition
With more than one billion people, China represents both an ocean of economic opportunity and a frustrating backwater of continuing brutal political repression. What are the prospects for democratic evolution in a nation with one of the world's...
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M. L. Dockrill, John Fisher, Michael Dockrill The Paris Peace Conference 1919: Peace Without Victory? (Studies in Military and Strategic History)
The essays in this volume, written by leading historians and a former British foreign secretary, survey the strategy, politics and personalities of British peacemaking in 1919. Many of the intractable problems faced by negotiators are studied...
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Robert A. Willson, Frank J., Jr Smith Managing the Agribusiness Firm
The subject matter discussed in this report was originally published under the title of "Managing the Farm Supply Business." After several years of use by extension specialists as well as by college-level classroom instructors, it became clear that...
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Ron Kaufman UP Your Service!
Whats going UP? Quality service, excellent service, world-class, tip-top, red-carpet service. Impeccable, unbelievable, spectacular service. Everyone is talking about SERVICE. Heres why! Delighted customers are more loyal, come more...
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Алексей Лебедев. Смешарики. Как собрать друзей по-быстрому. Выпуск 2
Russell E. Train. Politics, Pollution and Pandas: An Environmental Memoir
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Jeffrey Liker. Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of
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Тайцзи Цюань и здоровье. Китайская оздоровительная
А. К. Толстой, А. И. Герцен. Романтическая повесть (аудиокнига MP3)