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Stephen Leeb, Glen Strathy The Coming Economic Collapse: How You Can Thrive When Oil Costs $200 a Barrel
Stephen Leeb shows how hard times can be a boon for smart investors. As the world faces an energy crisis of unprecedented scope, renowed economist Stephen Leeb shows how surging oil prices will contribute to an economic collapse. With meticulous...
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А. В. Коротков Электронный денежный конвейер. Новые финансовые технологии в экономике, основанной на знаниях
Книга посвящена современным тенденциям использования информационных технологий как метода перехода от индустриального общества к обществу, основанному на знаниях. Концепция электронного финансового конвейера заключается в повышении эффективности и...
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Youth2Youth: 30 Years after Soweto
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Roy Peter Clark, Christopher Scanlan
America's Best Newspaper Writing: A Collection of ASNE Prizewinners...
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Ted, Kooser The Poetry Home Repair Manual
Recently appointed as the new U. S. Poet Laureate, Ted Kooser has been writing and publishing poetry for more than forty years. In the pages of The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser brings those decades of experience to bear. Here are tools and...
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Paulette Bourgeois. Franklin Celebrates (Franklin TV Storybook)
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Howard J. Sherman. Reinventing Marxism