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Country Comercial Guide: Hong Kong (Country Commercial Guides)
This Country Commercial Guide (CCG) presents a comprehensive look at Hong Kong’s commercial environment using economic, political and market analyses. The CCGs were established by recommendation of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC),...
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Kurt Dopfer Evolutionary Economics: Program and Scope (Recent Economic Thought, Volume 74)
Evolutionary Economics: Program and Scope offers a fresh look at the paradigmatic foundations and basic theoretical propositions of economics. Twelve authors -- each of them with his own distinct contribution to economics -- make a step forward by...
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Henry Mintzberg Mintzberg on Management: Inside Our Strange World of Organizations
Henry Mintzberg revolutionized our understanding of what managers do in The Nature of Managerial Work, his landmark book. Now in this comprehensive new volume, Mintzberg broadens his vision to explore not only the function of management,...
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Richard V. Tuttell Good Press: An Insider's Guide to Publicizing Business and Community News
From a scribbled announcement submitted on the flap of a frozen dinner entree to a faxed message from God’s self-proclaimed humble prophet Tex, Richard V. Tuttell has seen it all during his 20-year career as a community newspaperman. In Good...
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Priscilla Huff The Self-Employed Woman's Guide to Launching a Home-Based Business
Step-by-Step Advice on Making Your Home-Business Dreams a Reality From Priscilla Y. Huff, the leading expert on home businesses for women, The Self-Employed Woman's Guide to Launching a Home-Based Business is your step-by-step...
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