В. Б. Яковлев

Статистика. Расчеты Microsoft Excel

В учебном пособии изложены основные методы статистического анализа (средние величины, выборочный метод, проверка статистических гипотез, корреляционный и дисперсионный анализ, индексы, ряды динамики), приведены соответствующие расчетные формулы,...

Nigel Agar

Behind the Plough : The Agricultural Society of Nineteenth-Century Hertfordshire

Book Description Agricultural developments in 19th-century Hertfordshire and their rippling effects are researched, documented, and discussed in this compelling regional history. Radical changes in the agricultural economy led to rapid social...

David P. Bridges

The Best Coal Company in All Chicago, and How It Got That Way

Book DescriptionHere is history from the bottom up. Jacob Best emigrated from Prussia in 1869 to settle in Chicago. He carved out a life for himself and his family as a saloonkeeper in the Lake View neighborhood. By 1887 he had a well-established...

Bartholomew Frederick Dowling

Evolutionary Finance

Book Description The purpose of this book is to introduce the field of bioinformatics to financial modelling. It focuses on the way information informs price, and constructs a framework to explain information generation and the agglomeration...

Mergent Inc

Mergent's Handbook of Common Stocks Fall 2004 : Featuring Second-Quarter Results for 2004 (Mergent's Handbook of Common Stocks)

Book Description Mergent's Handbook of Common Stocks(TM) offers you quick and easy access to key financial statistics on approximately 900 New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. This handbook, updated quarterly, presents market data,...

<<<  Дэн Гукин. C для "чайников"             Emily Jenkins. That New Animal (Boston Globe-Horn Book Honors ... >>>

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Работа Фото Carol Cosgrove-Sacks, Carla Santos. Europe, Diplomacy and Вакуленко Р., Новоселов Е.. Защита бизнеса и стратегия предприятия: экономический Г. Г. Малинецкий, А. В. Коротаев, Н. Н. Крадин, Л. Е. Гринин, С. Ю. Малков, Поиск мета Н. Е. Кузнецова, А. Н. Левкин. Задачник по химии. 8 класс Рубина Дина. На Верхней Масловке Нива ВАЗ-21213 -21214 с двигателями 1,7 и 1,7i. Устройство, обслуживание, Эдуард Успенский. В гостях у Чебурашки Caballe, Montserrat. Con Todo Mi Corazon. Исполнитель: Caballe, Montserrat John D. Krumboltz, Al S. Levin. Luck Is No Accident: Making the
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