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Ursula Solom The Low-Carb Baking and Dessert Cookbook
Book DescriptionScrumptious, easy-to-make low-carb breads, pastries, and confections from a chef who is revolutionizing low-carb cooking and eating "Ursula has worked tirelessly to develop scores of recipes for breads, biscuits, pastries,...
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Mourid Barghouti I Saw Ramallah
Book DescriptionWinner of the prestigious Naguib Mahfouz Medal, this fierce and moving work is an unparalleled rendering of the human aspects of the Palestinian predicament. Barred from his homeland after 1967’s Six-Day War, the poet...
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Anthony Cavender Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia
Book DescriptionIn the first comprehensive exploration of the history and practice of folk medicine in the Appalachian region, Anthony Cavender melds folklore, medical anthropology, and Appalachian history and draws extensively on oral histories and...
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Laura Gibbs Aesop's Fables (Oxford World's Classics)
Book DescriptionThe fables of Aesop have become one of the most enduring traditions of European culture, ever since they were first written down nearly two millennia ago. Aesop was reputedly a tongue-tied slave who miraculously received the power of...
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Платон Обухов Время опасных связей
Она увидела самое "дно" жизни, столкнулась с пороком, жестокостью, подлостью и предательством. Она потеряла дом, пережила смерть матери. Казалось, что возврата в прошлое нет. Но она не из тех, кто сдается. И, преодолев все, что обрушилось на нее, не...
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И. А. Феоктистов. Расходы организации. Бухгалтерский и налоговый
Гера Грач (mp3). Содержание диска: Зверь - треки 1-11; Воля
Sharon W. Betters. Treasures In Darkness: A Grieving
Майк Гандерлой, Джозеф Джорден, Дейвид Чанц. Освоение Microsoft SQL
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А. Л. Львовский, Д. В. Моргун. Булавоусые