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Д. Г. Алексеева Банковское право. Схемы и комментарии
В учебном пособии в виде схем, снабженных при необходимости краткими комментариями, изложен учебный курс "Банковское право" для юридических вузов. Автором учтены последние изменения в российском законодательстве. Для студентов, аспирантов и...
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Keith M. Dowding, James Hughes, Helen Margetts Challenges to Democracy: Ideas, Involvement, and Institutions : The Psa Yearbook 2000 (Political Studies Association Yearbook Series, 2000)
Leading political scientists address the challenges faced by democracy in the 21st century. The contributors tackle the changing nature of democratic ideas, in particular equality in society and the satisfaction of citizens. They examine...
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Emily S. Bassman Abuse in the Workplace
This book identifies a troublesome workplace trend: management's abuse of employees. This abuse is often of a very subtle nature, and always involves the use and misuse of the power that the manager has over the subordinate. Due to intensified...
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Kathleen M. Mogul, Leah J. Dickstein Career Planning for Psychiatrists (Issues in Psychiatry)
1st ed edition...
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Aaron T. Wolf Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Water Systems (Management of Water Resources)
This important collection reprints the most significant papers and case studies on the prevention and resolution of conflict over water resources. It focuses in particular on the human dynamics that are involved when conflicts over water resources...
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Charles Dickens. Christmas Ghost Stories
Каррент 93. Гипнагогия I / Гипнагогия II. "Гипнагогия" была написана
Из рук в руки
Joseph R. Lanciano, Michael F. Farrell,
А. Митрофанов. Городские прогулки. Владимиръ
Sedat Turhan. Milet Flashwords: English-Albanian
David D. Busch. Adobe Photoshop CS: Photographers' Guide
Эдуард Розенталь. Живое прошлое
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Хаим Нахман Бялик. Царь Соломон Асмодей
Лев Портной. Хроники похождений. Секрет императора