Н. Н. Смеляков

С чего начинается Родина

Автор - Николай Николаевич Смеляков - известен широкому кругу читателей по своей книге "Деловая Америка". В новой книге он делится с читателем своими размышлениями об экономических, технических и организационных проблемах народного хозяйства....

Justin Martin

Nader: Crusader, Spoiler, Icon

Amazon.com Rolling Stone magazine approvingly called him "the most dangerous man in America." Owners of GM stock had less favorable epithets for him after his Corvair expose. So did many voters, convinced that Al Gore lost only because of...

Advances in the Economics of Information Systems

Book DescriptionAdvances in the Economics of Information Systems provides a wide perspective on the issues related to applications of economics to information systems area. From grid computing to online auctions, the reader can find novel uses of...

USA International Business Publications

Korea, South Business Law Handbook (World Business Law Handbook Library)

Book DescriptionThis law handbook contains information on basic business legislation, laws and regulatoins affecting export-import, business, foreign investments, property rights, taxation and banking. (Updated annually)...

Alyse Gaultier

The Little Book of Vuillard (Little Book of . . .)

Book Description The perfect introduction to the life and work of an extraordinary artist. ...

<<<  Борис Пастернак. Доктор Живаго (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD)             Emily Jenkins. That New Animal (Boston Globe-Horn Book Honors ... >>>

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