Thomas J. DeLong, Ashish Nanda

Professional Services: Text and Cases

DeLong and Nanda's Professional Services: Text and Cases is the first casebook to be published on the management of professional service firms (law firms, architecture, financial services, consulting). It includes a comprehensive selection of case...

Alison Wolf

Does Education Matter (Penguin Business)

Highly topical and controversial examination of the education system. "Education, education, education" has become an obsession for politicians and the public alike. It is seen as an economic panacea: an engine for growth and prosperity....

James Shoch

Trading Blows: Party Competition and U.S. Trade Policy in a Globalizing Era

For the past two decades, trade policy has been high on the American political agenda, thanks to the growing integration of the United States into the global economy and the wealth of debate this development has sparked. Although scholars have...

Joseph A. Divanna

Synconomy: Adding Value in a World of Continuously Connected Business

Synconomy argues that the operating state of a firm has a synergistic relationship with the behavior of the entire marketplace, which is important in understanding the value of the firm and predict its performance. It explores the business...

Exceptional Industrial Projects: Beyond the Box

This new book details cutting-edge industrial case studies and in-depth interviews with industry experts about what is driving industrial development today. No other book on the market addresses industrial development in such depth. There are...

<<<  Сергей Чилая. Донор             Emily Jenkins. That New Animal (Boston Globe-Horn Book Honors ... >>>

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