Paul John Werbos

The Roots of Backpropagation : From Ordered Derivatives to Neural Networks and Political Forecasting (Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control Series)

Now, for the first time, publication of the landmark work in backpropagation! Scientists, engineers, statisticians, operations researchers, and other investigators involved in neural networks have long sought direct access to Paul Werbos?s...

Ralph Grabowski

The Web Publisher's Illustrated Quick Reference: Covers Html 3.2 and Vrml 2.0

HTML, or hypertext mark-up language, is the standard for all world wide web pages throughout the world. With HTML 3.0 new features have been added and in addition VRML, the virtual reality mark-up language, is also attracting attention to enable...

Doug Sahlin

Flash ActionScript for Designers with CDROM

This book will teach Flash designers how to create ActionScripts that they'll refer to again and again in their design work. Projects such as Creating a Pop-Up Menu, Creating a Sound Controller, or Creating an Animated Flash Banner can be used as...

David C. Kay

Paint Shop Pro 7 for Dummies

Paint Shop Pro 7 For Dummies is well-suited to business and technical professionals and their office staff who prefer to do the image work themselves, rather than invoke the delay, cost, and uncertainty of turning it over to a specialist....

Leander Kahney

The Cult of Mac

No other computer inspires devotion like a Mac. The largest and most fervent subculture in computing, Mac fans come in all shapes and sizes, but never waver in their dedication. Like fans of a football team or rock band, Macintosh fans have their...

<<<  Leo Melamed. Leo Melamed on The Markets : Twenty ...             Владимир Малов. Тайны знаменитых футболистов >>>

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Апорт Из рук в руки Вести Российская газета Т. А. Рокитянская. Воспитание звуком. Музыкальные занятия с детьми от 3 Статистика Кэрролл Ли. Крайон. Новая Заповедь. Книга 10. Простые Чат Компьютерные новости Джон Фаулз. Кротовые норы Все о Линукс Н. Молчанов. Генерал де Голль Charles Wheelan. Naked Economics: Undressing О компьютерах Г. В. Дедюхина, Т. А. Яньшина, Л. Д. Могучая. Логопедический массаж и Reader's Digest editors. Terapias Naturales Contra В. Шапарь. Мой босс - самодур Ливе Игорь Атаманенко. Тайные войны спецслужб
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