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Художник Ю. Пугачев \ Der Maler Jurij Pugatschew
В издании представлено творчество современного русского художника Юрия Владимировича Пугачева. В комментариях к репродукциям живописец рассказывает об истории создания своих полотен, о людях, которые изображены на них. Издание прекрасно...
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Vincent S. Daniels The Global Chameleon
Book DescriptionHow to excel in international sales...
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Daniel Giordan The Art of Photoshop for Digital Photographers
Book DescriptionExperience the highly visual format of the Art of Photoshop: Digital Photography Workshop and learn how to take good source photos and transform them into display-quality digital works of art with visual effects used in Adobe...
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Andrew McClary Good Toys, Bad Toys: How Safety, Society, Politics and Fashion Have Reshaped Children's Playthings
Book DescriptionIn early America, most children had only a few toys and parents received advice from family and friends on the best ways to make and use toys. By the early 1900s the Industrial Revolution was producing a new world of toys and giving...
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D. Charles Gossman Occupying Force: A Sailor's Journey Following World War II
Book DescriptionA surprise attack on American soil and a holy war waged under the guise of an ancient religion . . . A nation of zealots indoctrinated to hate Western Civilization and a culture ignoring reason in favor of mindless violence . . . A...
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Ф. А. Хромченко. Справочное пособие электросварщика
Mark Keavney. The Archer's Flight
В. А. Воробьев. Электрификация и автоматизация сельскохозяйственного производства
David Goldbatt. Intersections: South African