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Max Weber, Lutz Kaelber, Charles Lemert The History of Commercial Partnerships in the Middle Ages
"Weber himself characterized his first book-translated here in its first, complete English edition-as a study in the formation of commercial law." Weber's argument centers on the legal characteristics of medieval enterprises as a historical...
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Janet I. Farley Jobs and the Military Spouse: Married, Mobile and Motivated for the New Job Market
This ground-breaking book examines the employment challenges facing today's mobile but highly motivated military spouse....
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Jorge I. Dominguez The Future of Inter-American Relations (An Inter-American Dialogue Book)
Jorge I. Dominguez has brought together experts from Latin America, the Caribbean and the US to explore transnational aspects of crime, migration, trade, security, democracy, and international financial institutions in the Americas. They consider...
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Kavita Pandit, Suzanne Davies Withers Migration and Restructuring in the United States
The United States in the last half century has undergone rapid and fundamental changes as economic restructuring, aging, and increasing cultural and ethnic diversity profoundly alter its national character. This groundbreaking book examines the...
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Bruce Tulgan The Manager's Pocket Guide to Generation X
How do we recruit and train the best and the brightest X'ers? How do we keep them challenged and productive? And how do we keep the best ones from moving on? If you find yourself asking questions like these, you can't afford not to have The...
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Домой Погода
Mark R. Miller. Carpentry & Construction
Jonathan Stroud. The Leap
И. Е. Забелин. История города Москвы
Galen Grimes. Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft FrontPage
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