Эрин Хантер

Битва за лес

Став предводителем Грозового племени, Огнезвезд отправился к святилищу в Высоких Скалах за даром девяти жизней. Во время таинства он увидел страшное предзнаменование и получил пророчество о приближении кровавых времен... ...

David C. Swaddling, Charles Phd Miller

Customer Power : How to Grow Sales and Profits in a Customer-Driven Marketplace

This is one of the first books on "what to do" about powerful customers, written for managers who are ready to take action on increasing the value they deliver to customers. It offers information, recommendations, and examples about using the...

Barbara Rockefeller, CNBC, Barbara Rockefeller

CNBC 24/7 Trading: Around the Clock, Around the World

Praise for CNBC 24/7 Trading "CNBC 24/7 Trading unlocks the mystery of how individual investors can invest and trade everywhere all the time. This book will become the investment bible that levels the playing field between Wall Street and Main...

RavA­ Anupindi, Sunil Chopra, Sudhakar D. Deshmukh, Jan A. Van Mieghem, Eitan Zemel, Jan Van Mieghem

Managing Business Process Flows

This unique and comprehensive book presents a unifying paradigm for understanding operations, based in the belief that a large part of operations management is the design and management of business processes. The overall objective of the book is to...

John J. McGonagle, Carolyn M. Vella

The Internet Age of Competitive Intelligence

Two of the most prolific and challenging authorities on the topic of competitive intelligence (CI) reflect on and respond to the changes in the field over the last decade. The authors point out that CI users have to change what they are doing, show...

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Гороскопы Фото John Maxymuk. Government Online: One-Click Access В. А. Баринов. Трюк в цирке Вести DON PASQUALE (GA). DON PASQUALE (GA) Чель Весте. Кристиан Ланг - человек без запаха Корбина Брайан Грин. Элегантная Вселенная. Суперструны, скрытые размерности Почта Яхо Счетчик С. В. Краюшкина. Тесты по обществознанию. Miles Davis. Gil Evans. The Complete Columbia Studio Recordings (6 Д. О. Хвостова. Страны мира. Полный энциклопедический Е. С. Роговер. Русская литература второй половины XIX
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