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Edwin H. Neave Financial Systems: Principles and Organization
As the world's financial markets become increasingly integrated and competitive, this book offers an explanation of how and why change occurs....
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Daniel Dirks, Jean-Francois Huchet, Thierry Ribault Japanese Management in the Low Growth Era: Between External Shocks and Internal Evolution
Japanese firms are in the midst of the most protracted economic crisis in their post-war history. The end of the "bubble economy" has led to a long era of low growth. This change in the general business environment has profound consequences for the...
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Р. В. Кинжалов Орел, Кецаль и крест
Книга представляет собой очерк древней культуры народов Месоамерики к моменту испанского завоевания на материале литературных произведений индийцев и метисов. Автор рассматривает эпос, исторические хроники, лирику и драму, широко использует отрывки...
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Mark T. Maybury Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval
Foreword by Karen Sprck Jones Intelligent multimedia information retrieval lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence, information retrieval, human-computer interaction, and multimedia computing. Its systems...
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Course ILT: Business Writing
An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses....
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Строительный комплекс Московской области, №6, апрель 2006.
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Н. С. Полтавец. Приготовление блюд на гриле, мангале, фондю