Steven N. Durlauf, H. Peyton Young

Social Dynamics (Economic Learning and Social Evolution Series)

Economists have traditionally studied aggregate behavior as the outcome of individual decisions made interactively, while sociologists have focused on the role of social influences on individual behavior. Over the past decade, however, the barriers...

George Fernandez

Data Mining Using SAS Applications

Most books on data mining focus on principles and furnish few instructions on how to carry out a data mining project. Data Mining Using SAS Applications not only introduces the key concepts but also enables readers to understand and successfully...

Dan Kent

ASP.NET Evolution

If you've ever been a part of an online community, you are aware of all the great features it offers. Dynamic news, forums, calendars and polls are just a few of the elements that you can benefit from in an online community. Now is your chance to...

Byron S Gottfried, Byron Gottfried

Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers: Excel

This best-selling Spreadsheet book provides excellent coverage of all versions of Excel including the latest version, Excel 2002. It discusses how to use Excel to solve a variety of problems in introductory engineering analysis, such as graphing...

Дм. Жуков. Л. Пушкарев

Русские писатели XVII века

Впервые в серии "Жизнь замечательных людей" выходит книга о двух писателях, вернее, двух книжных деятелях древней русской литературы - Аввакуме Петрове и Симеоне Полоцком....

<<<  А. Кишик. Популярный эффективный самоучитель работы на ПК. Базовый курс             Вера Лукницкая. Николай Гумилев. Жизнь поэта по материалам ... >>>

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