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Patrick McHugh, Giorgio Merli, William A. Wheeler Beyond Business Process Reengineering: Towards the Holonic Enterprise
How is your business these days? Do the following sound familiar? Market share flat or falling? Margins being squeezed ever thinner? Increased competition from new players? Technology out-racing you? Customers wanting more than you can offer? In all...
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Lisa Harris, Dennis Charles, Charles Dennis Marketing the eBusiness: An Introduction (Routledge Textbooks in eBusiness)
This important title looks at how to improve marketing efficiency and effectiveness through electronic means. As well as looking at the main marketing themes (product, price, promotion, place etc) this accessible text looks at the bigger 'E'...
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Phyllis Davis Photoshop CS Timesaving Techniques For Dummies
* Veteran author Phyllis Davis provides readers with a comprehensive overview of Photoshop, the industry standard software package for image creation, correction, and enhancement * Breaks topics into easily-understood, hands-on, insider...
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Jalal Feghhi, Jalil Feghhi Secure Networking with Windows 2000 and Trust Services
Another version of Windows, another way of thinking about security. Secure Networking with Windows 2000 and Trust Services explains how Windows 2000 interconnects users and resources, locally and across distances. With emphasis on extranets...
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J. Alan Baumgarten IBM ViaVoice Recognition Software: Quicktorial
IBM ViaVoice QuickTorial provides all the information necessary to master voice recognition in 12+ hours. This fully tested product trains the computer as much as it trains the user. Users will become experts at dictation with ViaVoice. Also...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Wendell Odom. CCNA ICND Exam Certification Guide (CCNA Self-Study,
Геннадий Кондратьев. Популярный самоучитель работы в Интернете
Рафаэль Сабатини. Одиссея Капитана Блада.
Андре Мальро. Андре Мальро. Антимемуары
Ю. Н. Улыбина. Любовь, которая вас разоряет
Tran Van Hoa, Charles Harvie. The Causes
М. А. Давыдова. Сценарии музыкальных календарных и фольклорных праздников
Olivia Parr Rud. Data Mining Cookbook: Modeling
Глен Арнольд. Инвестирование. Путеводитель от Financial
Peter J. Denning. Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing
И. Н. Иванов. Организация производства на промышленных предприятиях