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Michael L. Jamieson Remembrances: My Life with Chesterfield Smith : America's Lawyer
Book DescriptionA riveting book about the life of "America's Lawyer," Chesterfield Smith of Florida, written by Michael L. Jamieson, his protege, colleague, and good friend for 39 years. It should not be missed by lawyers, law students,...
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Jorge Argueta Zipitio
Book DescriptionZipitio is older than the rocks, even older than the river. He wears a tall black hat and has a round shiny stomach and long pointy nails. He hides down by the river, only appearing when he falls in love. Rufina Perez is a young...
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Joy Cowley Mrs. Wishy-washy's Splishy Sploshy Day
Book Description Meet the meanies. They're even messier than Mrs. Wishy-Washy's farmyard friends! Has the queen of clean finally met her match, or can she wash those meanies up and hang them out to dry? Join Mrs. Wishy-Washy and her new friends...
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Павел Бажов Малахитовая шкатулка
В сборник вошли самые известные сказы замечательного русского писателя П.П.Бажова: "Серебряное копытце", "Малахитовая шкатулка", "Медной горы Хозяйка" и другие....
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А. Л. Гетман Танки идут на Берлин
Книга посвящена боевому пути 11-го гвардейского Прикарпатско-Берлинского Краснознаменного и ордена Суворова 2-й степени танкового корпуса во время Великой Отечественной войны. Части корпуса участвовали в героической обороне Москвы, в битве на...
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