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Леонид Филатов Про Федота-стрельца, удалого молодца
Все тексты в этой книге даны в последней прижизненной редакции автора. ...
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Robert J. Graham Creating an Environment for Successful Projects, 2nd Edition
Amazon.comManagement consultants Robert Graham and Randall Englund believe that the development and launch of successful new products and services hinges on the formation of a thoroughly integrated, "project-based" organization. In Creating an...
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Globalization and Entrepreneurship: Policy and Strategy Perspectives (Mcgill International Entrepreneurship)
Book DescriptionThe contributors to this collection provide a wealth of new analyses of both traditional and emerging aspects of entrepreneurship, from a variety of national perspectives and disciplines. Globalization has begun to dismantle the...
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Chuck Palahniuk Fugitives and Refugees : A Walk in Portland, Oregon (Crown Journeys)
It's rare to find a travel guide and a memoir joined neatly together in a single, highly readable 176-page volume. But Chuck Palahniuk is a writer of rare talent and his home of Portland, Oregon, is a city of rare wonders. ...
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David M. Lubin Shooting Kennedy: JFK and the Culture of Images
Book DescriptionJack and Jackie sailing at Hyannis Port. President Kennedy smiling and confident with the radiant first lady by his side in Dallas shortly before the assassination. The Zapruder film. Jackie Kennedy mourning at the funeral while her...
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Домой Юрий Тынянов. Подпоручик Киже
Справочник современного изыскателя. В последние
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Брелок-рамка для фото Olmecs "Козерог", цвет: вишневый. BF-10-B.
Грег Перри. Освой самостоятельно Windows XP.
Б. Раков, М. Раков. Гомеопатия в ветеринарной медицине
Michael Hague's Favourite Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales. Book
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