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Чарльз Хэнди Слон и блоха. Будущее крупных корпораций и мелкого бизнеса
Слон и блоха - странная метафора, но она как нельзя более точно отражает структуру бизнес-сообщества, которая формируется сейчас в мире. Чарльз Хэнди, авторитетнейший ученый с мировым именем и один из ведущих мыслителей в сфере бизнеса и экономики,...
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Holmes F. Crouch Going Into Tax Court
This judicial guide takes the sting and surprise out of the tax court procedure, allowing readers to be fully prepared long before they walk into the courtroom, offering detailed explanations and transcriptions of procedures, diagrams of typical...
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John Maxwell Success: One Day At A Time
Success One Day At A Time is the kind of book you will want to carry in your car or place at the side of your bed. Each page contains a snapshot of the daily road of an overcomer. It is the perfect gift for the new graduate as well as...
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Robert Humphreys No Fixed Abode: A History of Responses to the Roofless and the Rootless in Britain
The plight of Britain's homeless seems strikingly similar to that of the roving vagrant and vagabond of history. Through the centuries the number of homeless people has fluctuated wildly with varying proportions of hardened petty criminals,...
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Anantha Kumar Duraiappah Computational Models in the Economics of Environment and Development (Economy & Environment, 27)
Computational Models in the Economics of Environment and Development provides a step-by-step guide in designing, developing, and solving non-linear environment-development models. It accomplishes this by focusing on applied models, using real...
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В. А. Васильев. Лагранжевы и лежандровы характеристические
Matthew J. Curland. Advanced Visual Basic 6 : Power Techniques
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