Todd Lapidus, Jim Mikula

Shadowing : Guidance That Works

This book is designed to assist experienced employees who are charged with the responsibility of training new employees. "Shadowing-Giudance That Works" assists with this all important "sink or swim" phase of a new employee's first few days of...

Dawn Iacobucci, Bobby Calder, Dawn Iacobucci, Bobby J. Calder

Kellogg on Integrated Marketing

This cutting-edge book?with contributions by the star faculty of the Kellogg School of Management and the Medill School of Journalism?s Integrated Marketing Communications department at Northwestern University?offers the latest...

Deborah Brown-Volkman

Four Steps To Building A Profitable Coaching Practice: A Complete Marketing Resource Guide For Coaches

Are you frustrated with trying to grow and market your coaching practice? Do you feel like there is too much information (or too little) on how to market your practice, yet not enough direction on where to begin? Would you like quick answers and a...

Sandra Postel, Brian Richter

Rivers for Life: Managing Water for People and Nature

The conventional approach to river protection has focused on water quality and maintaining some "minimum" flow that was thought necessary to ensure the viability of a river. In recent years, however, scientific research has underscored the idea...

Eva Essa

A Practical Guide to Solving Preschool Behavior Problems, 5E

A Practical Guide to Solving Preschool Behavior Problems is a unique text that focuses on specific situations preschool teachers face when dealing with common behavior problems. This revised edition provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step...

<<<  Advanced Lectures in Quantitative Economics II. This ...             Вера Лукницкая. Николай Гумилев. Жизнь поэта по материалам ... >>>

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