Riccardo Rebonato

Volatility and Correlation (WILEY FINANCE)

The new edition of Volatility and Correlation has been thoroughly updated and expanded with over 80ew or reworked material, reflecting the changes and developments that have taken place in the field. The new and updated material includes:...

Laura Whitworth, Henry House, Phil Sandahl, Henry Kimsey-House

Co-Active Coaching: New Skills for Coaching People Toward Success in Work and Life

Coaching as a profession is experiencing dramatic growth. From senior executives at Fortune 100 companies to the self-employed, people at the point of change are looking more and more to coaches for guidance and support. For professional coaches...

Douglas Llewellyn

Inquire Within: Implementing Inquiry-Based Science Standards

The author teaches a method of learning in science that is inquiry-based and that involves a process of asking questions, exploring, and making the connections that lead to understanding and discovery. ...

John Ray, Will Ray

Maximum Mac OS X Security

While Mac OS X is becoming more and more stable with each release, its UNIX/BSD underpinnings have security implications that ordinary Mac users have never before been faced with. Mac OS X can be used as both a powerful Internet server, or, in...

Donna L. Hudson, Maurice E. Cohen

Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Engineering (IEEE Press Series on Biomedical Engineering)

"Using examples drawn from biomedicine and biomedical engineering, this essential reference book brings you comprehensive coverage of all the major techniques currently available to build computer-assisted decision support systems. You will find...

<<<  В. Скотт. Квентин Дорвард             Трехсотлетие Дома Романовых (аудиокнига МР3). Книга ... >>>

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