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USA Ibp Kyrgyzstan Export-Import and Business Directory
Ultimate directory for conducting export-import operations in the country. Largest exporters and importers, strategic government and business contacts, selected export-import regulations and more...
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Roger Y. W. Tang Current Trends and Corporate Cases in Transfer Pricing:
Global changes in business and tax environments are having profound impact on the volume and direction of intrafirm trade and transfer pricing strategies. Tang reports on the findings of a survey of 95 Fortune 1000 companies, sponsored by the...
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Norbert P. Psuty, Douglas D. Ofiara Coastal Hazard Management: Lessons and Future Directions from New Jersey
As with most shorelines around the world, New Jersey beaches are slowly, but inexorably, being eroded, threatening coastal structures and development. In some years more sand is deposited than removed, but all of the state's monitoring devices show...
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Emile Aarts, Jan Karel Lenstra Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization
In the past three decades, local search has grown from a simple heuristic idea into a mature field of research in combinatorial optimization that is attracting ever-increasing attention. Local search is still the method of choice for NP-hard...
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Joe Habraken 10 Minute Guide to Microsoft Office XP
Because most people don't have the luxury of sitting down uninterrupted for hours at a time to learn Office XP, this 10-Minute Guide focuses on the most often used features, covering them in lessons designed to take 10 minutes or less to...
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Альберт Рис Вильямс. Путешествие в революцию. Россия в огне Гражданской
Ежедневник "Finesse", цвет: зеленый, 320 стр.