Jennifer Amyx

Japan's Financial Crisis : Institutional Rigidity and Reluctant Change

Book Description At the beginning of the 1990s, a massive speculative asset bubble burst in Japan, leaving the nation's banks with an enormous burden of nonperforming loans. Banking crises have become increasingly common across the globe, but what...

Raymond T., Ph.D. Yeh

The Art of Business: In the Footsteps of Giants

Book DescriptionDiscover how modern business giants such as Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines, Gordon Moore of Intel, and Earl Bakken of Medtronic have developed enterprises with soul by applying the five strategic arts of possibility, timing,...

Michael Backman

Inside Knowledge : Streetwise in Asia

Book Description Bestselling author Michael Backman draws upon a wealth of new examples, case studies and anecdotes to provide crucial insights into Asian business themes. This will provide a valuable guide for anybody whose business takes...

Roger C. Kelly

The E-Model: Prospering Beyond the Economic Storm

Book DescriptionIs your personal financial condition structured for prosperity in either good OR bad economic times? Will your financial position stay strong whether: That layoff your company has discussed happens or not? Social security...

John Turner

Create And Be Recognized: Photography On The Edge

Book DescriptionCreate and Be Recognized is the first survey of a compelling, always surprising art form -- outsider photography. Presented here is the work of seventeen largely self-taught artists who have used photography or photographic elements...

<<<  Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn. Рембрандт - имя, ставшее ...             Трехсотлетие Дома Романовых (аудиокнига МР3). Книга ... >>>

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