Шив Кхера

Вы можете победить. Инструмент пошагового достижения высших успехов

Почему люди не достигают превосходства? Существенной причиной этого является недостаток дальновидности или ограниченность кругозора. Нам следует мечтать за пределами возможного. Все, что мы видим сегодня вокруг себя, прежде, чем стать реальностью,...

Leslie McCall

Complex Inequality : Gender, Race and Class in the New Economy

The American economy is in good shape: profits are soaring, employment is expanding, and technological advances abound. Yet inequality between genders and among races still exists. In Complex Inequality, Leslie McCall sifts through the complexities...

Yasuhiko Takahara, Mihajlo D. Mesarovic

Organization Structure: Cybernetic Systems Foundation (Ifsr International Series on Systems Science and Engineering, V. 22)

Organization Structure: Cybernetic Systems Foundation utilizes a cybernetic systems framework for the study of organizations using GST (General Systems Theory) and presents a comprehensive formal view of organizations assessing regulation,...

Carlo James

The New World Order: An Economic Global Regime

"The New World Order" is anything but new, it has been evolving for over 100 years. This thesis begins with the idea for an elite establishment of one late 19th century individual, and shows how it developed into the many organizations that make up...

Byron R. Abernathy

Liberty Concepts in Labor Relations

Intriguing reading to fathom the opposing freedoms expounded by management and labor....

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Российская газета Вакансии Топ майл.ру 24/7: Time and Temporality in the Network Society. James K. Hickel. The Cost-Effective Organization: Русское радио Yasuki Nakayama, Yoshimichi Tanida, Visualization Евг. Евтушенко. Ардабиола Паскаль Константини. Анализ эффективности инвестиций методом Поиск мета Кенита Сью. Современный американский в диалогах Steven S. Eggland, Les R. Dlabay, James L. Билайн Вакансии Яндекс Gregory R. Woirol. The Technological Unemployment and Structural
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