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Elizabeth Danziger Get to the Point! Painless Advice for Writing Memos, Letters and E-mails Your Colleagues and Clients Will Understand
Take Your Writamins! Whether you’re an executive whose writing is too stiff, a highly trained professional who can’t string together two coherent sentences, a technical expert who wants to communicate in plain English, or...
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Margaret C. Rung Servants of the State: Managing Diversity and Democracy in the Federal Workforce, 1933-1953
Servants of the State traces the halting rise of a pluralistic attitude in hiring and promotion procedures within the federal government. Ranging from the Great Depression to World War II to the early days of both the civil rights movement and the...
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Stephan Kudyba, Richard Hoptroff Data Mining and Business Intelligence: A Guide to Productivity
Data Mining and Business Intelligence: A Guide to Productivity provides an overview of data mining technology and how it is applied in a business environment. It describes the corresponding data mining methodologies that are used to solve a variety...
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William A., Ph.D. Cohen, William A., PhD, Major General, USAFR, Ret. Cohen Art of the Strategist, The: 10 Essential Principles for Leading Your Company to Victory
From ancient battlefields to the modern business landscape, competitors have tried innumerable approaches to conquering adversaries. Success for the victors has taken many forms and traveled many paths, but at its heart, winning strategy can be...
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Диля Еникеева Холодная месть приятнее на вкус
"Все женщины делают это" - серия романов Дили Еникеевой, в которых действуют героини, давно уже полюбившиеся отечественным читателям. Если тебя жестоко оскорбили - надо мстить. И хочется сделать это немедленно. Но... Месть - блюдо,...
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Dummies Technology Press. MCSE Windows 2000 Core 4 for Dummies, Boxed
Н. Султан - Гирей. Данте. Флорентийский изгнанник.
"Скит". Прага 1922-1940. В антологии "Скита" впервые
ICON Health Pub.. The Official Patient's Sourcebook
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