Федор Достоевский

Записки из мертвого дома

Книгу очерков "Записки из Мертвого дома" Ф.М.Достоевский написал вскоре после возвращения с каторги. Это уникальный документ, включающий рассказы о судьбах реальных заключенных, которых писатель встречал на каторжных работах, множество характерных...

Peijie Wang

The Economics of Foreign Exchange and Global Finance

Book Description The book presents all major subjects in international monetary theory, foreign exchange markets, international financial management and investment analysis. The book is relevant to real world problems in the sense that it provides...

Seeking Success in e-Business : A Multidisciplinary Approach (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing)

Book DescriptionThis unique collection of research papers addresses the emerging field of e-commerce and e-business, and presents a number of key contributions as the research fields are maturing. Many of the texts represent cutting edge research...

Steven Brooke

The Majesty Of St. Augustine (Majesty Architecture (Hardcover))

Book DescriptionFounded by Spain in 1565, fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, St. Augustine, Florida, is the oldest continuously occupied settlement of European origin in the United States. Only the Castillo de San Marcos,...

Mike Leigh

All or Nothing (Faber and Faber Screenplays)

Book Description After his critically acclaimed departure to period drama with Topsy-Turvy , Mike Leigh returns to the more intimate explorations of working-class life that marked his early career with All or Nothing . Set in a...

<<<  Кресикова И.. Пророк и Сивилла (Пушкин и Цветаева).             Adam Starchild. Portable Wealth: The Complete Guide to Precious ... >>>

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