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Michael J. Cunningham Partners.Com: How to Profit from the New DNA of Business
Partnerships are the lifeblood of e-commerce. Innovative alliances such as private exchanges, self-service partnerships, syndicated e-commerce, affiliate programs, and e-learning forums are today's new competitive advantage. In Partners.com, Michael...
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Jeffrey Rubin Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests
A supremely usable nuts-and-bolts guide for beginners A daily tool of the trade for specialists Handbook of Usability Testing gives you practical, step-by-step guidelines in plain English. Written by Jeffrey Rubin, it arms beginners with...
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Andrew Filev, Tony Loton, Kevin McNeish, Ben Schoellmann, John Slater, Chaur G. Wu Professional UML with Visual Studio .NET
What is this book about? If you want to use Visio to create enterprise software, this is the book for you. The integration of Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect and Visio for Enterprise Architects provides a formidable...
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Gerald M. Weinberg Quality Software Management: Congruent Action (Congruent Action, Vol 3)
To produce high-quality software, we need high-quality, effective managers. Becoming such a manager is the subject of this third stand-alone volume in Gerald Weinberg's highly acclaimed series. To be effective, managers must act congruently....
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Ernest Hemingway A farewell to arms
Эта книга - самое "интеллектуальное" произведение Хемингуэя, роман о Первой Мировой войне, главным образом, о двух персонажах, которым война принесла много горя. На английском языке....
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В. Г. Лифляндский. Витамины и минералы. От А
П. Н. Коробов. Математическое программирование и моделирование
Karl Lagerfeld. Karl Lagerfeld: The S.L.ED
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