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Belen Balanya, Anne Doherty, Olivier Hoedeman, Adam Ma'Anit, Erik Wesselius, Ann Doherty Europe, Inc.: Regional & Global Restructuring & the Rise of Corporate Power
Over the past two decades, the major international corporations have become industrial lobbyists within the European Union to such an extent that they pose a threat to democracy. This new and fully revised edition of Europe Inc. provides a...
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Marilyn Cohen The Bond Bible
Whatever your age, income or total assets, bonds belong in your portfolio. A symbol of security, bonds have long had a place in any well-rounded portfolio. As millions of baby boomers shift their focus from the lure of capital appreciation to the...
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Robert E. Shannon Engineering Management
A comprehensive guide for the engineer in a managerial position, treating both the management of engineering and engineers. Covers long-range, strategic management including work planning, staffing, training, and personnel concerns. Considers...
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Dominic Belmonte, William Ayers Teaching from the Deep End: Succeeding With Today's Classroom Challenges
Foreword by William Ayers This excellent guide illustrates how the caring teacher can bring purpose, meaning, and spirit to classroom teaching and student success. ...
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Kenneth Lambert Fundamentals of C++: Understanding Programming and Problem Solving
This text contains complete coverage of all Advanced Placement topics for Computer Science, and incorporates coverage of basic C++ commands, functions, and elementary data structures....
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