Shotaro Ishinomori, Alan G. Gleason

Japan Inc.: An Introduction to Japanese Economics (Comic Book)

This is the second volume in Ishinomori's epic description of the Japanese economic - political system in manga (comic) book form. Deals with the banking, industrial and computer industries. Includes a chapter on economic cycles, sunspots,...

Joe Cooper

The Book of Webmin: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love UNIX

The Book of Webmin is a comprehensive guide to the Webmin system administration tool, documenting its unique features while explaining each of the core services. Each chapter features tutorials that provide step-by-step configuration processes for...

Peter M. Shane

Democracy Online: The Prospects for Political Renewal Through the Internet

Taking a multidisciplinary approach that they identify as a "cyber-realist research agenda," the contributors to this volume examine the prospects for electronic democracy in terms of its form and practice--while avoiding the pitfall of treating the...

Kris Gray

The Microsoft DirectX 9 Programmable Graphics Pipeline

Learn to write high-performance graphics applications using DirectX 9 with information straight from the Microsoft DirectX development team. Detailed technical guidance plus code samples and applications....

Артур Беккер

Дядя Джимми, индейцы и я

Два неунывающих польских эмигранта пытаются найти свое счастье в Канаде, которая представляется им землей обетованной…...

<<<  В. С. Степин. Теоретическое знание             Albert Breton, Pierre Salmon, Ronald Wintrobe. Competition and Structure: ... >>>

Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.

Почта Vikram Seth. Two Lives: A Memoir Hall. Higher National Computing Tutor Resource Pack Мой мир Robert A. Heinlein. Podkayne of Mars (Ace Рейтинг Андрей Битов. Кавказский пленник Поиск майл.ру П. В. Турчин, Л. Е. Гринин, С. Ю. Малков, Вакансии James A Leach. MP AutoCAD 2004 Instructor w/bind in sub Транслит ЖЖ Знакомства Аарон Аппельфельд. Катерина Вести Домашняя выпечка. 50 рецептов. Множество новых идей
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