J. M. Barrie

The Admirable Crichton

Book Description1918. One of the best known of Barrie's fantastic modern plays. Concerned with an aristocratic English family who revert to the state of Nature when shipwrecked on a desert island. While there they are willing slaves of their former...

Lenore Hart

The Treasure of Savage Island

Book DescriptionRafe is an escaped slave, shipwrecked while stowing away to Boston. Molly is the strong-willed, penniless island girl who rescues him. Their wary friendship is tested when Savage Island is raided by picaroons still loyal to England...

Ari Fleischer

Taking Heat LP : The President, the Press, and My Years in the White House

Book Description For two and a half years, Ari Fleischer served as the official liaison between the White House and members of the press, acting as the voice of President George W. Bush and his administration, and was one of the President's most...

Д. Коган

Владимир Бехтеев

Дора Зиновьевна Коган посвятила свое монографическое исследование жизни и творчеству мастера советского искусства Владимира Георгиевича Бехтеева (1878-1971). Творческо-биографическое повествование сопровождается цветными и тоновыми...

Institutions, Sustainability, and Natural Resources : Institutions for Sustainable Forest Management (Sustainability, Economics, and Natural Resources)

Book DescriptionA new economic theory, rather than a new public policy based on old theory, is needed to guide humanity toward sustainability. Institutions are a critical dimension of sustainability and sustainable forest management, and economic...

<<<  Илья Лазерсон. Галопам по Европам. Кулинарное обозрение             Albert Breton, Pierre Salmon, Ronald Wintrobe. Competition and Structure: ... >>>

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Л. Дж. Кип Копач. Чау-чау Ю. Б. Виппер. Поэзия плеяды Н. Л. Лейдерман, М. Н. Липовецкий. Современная русская литература. Билайн Статистика Анатолий Некрасов. Построение пространства Lewis D. Solomon. Rethinking our Centralized Н. Б. Истомина. Математика. 4 класс Тристан и Изольда. Джеймс Франко ("Человек-Паук") и София Майелз ("Другой Amjad Umar. E-Business and Distributed Systems Handbook: Networks Поиск работы
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