Robert C. Feenstra

Advanced International Trade: Theory and Evidence

Advanced International Trade is the first major graduate textbook in international trade in a generation. Trade is a cornerstone concept in economics, taught in all departments both in the United States and abroad. The past twenty years have...

Bengt KarlA¶f

Benchmarking Workbook: With Examples and Ready-Made Forms

The Benchmarking Workbook will do exactly what the title suggests ? make it easier for you to put theory into practice. It is a "do-it-yourself" guide to benchmarking. Benchmarking methods are simple, easy to grasp, and universal ?...

Video and Camcorder Servicing and Technology

This book provides fully up-to-date coverage of the whole range of current home video equipment, analogue and digital. As well as essential information for repair and troubleshooting, the author provides clear explanations of the technology of video...

Tracy Daniel Connors

The Volunteer Management Handbook

"Until now, we and other nonprofits had to find out the hard way?by trial and error?that garnering the energies of todays volunteers means answering their special needs. Thats where The Volunteer Management Handbook comes in, with helpful,...

Asian Development Bank

Asian Development Outlook 1999 (Asian Development Bank Books)

This is the 2002 edition of Asian Development Outlook, the Asian Development Bank's annual survey of economic progress in its developing member countries in Asia and the Pacific. First published in 1989, the ADO provides a comprehensive yet...

<<<  Малая механизация в саду и огороде. В книге приведены описания машин, орудий ...             Ana Canizares. Miniarch: Houses by the Water (Miniarch) >>>

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Российская газета Дарья Донцова. Хеппи-энд для Дездемоны Юрий Бондарев. Берег А. А. Каверина, Р. Г. Иванова, А. С. Корощенко. Е. В. Бунеева, М. А. Яковлева. Рабочая тетрадь по русскому Игры Работа Транслит Яндекс Outsmart High Blood Pressure. Book Description This guide from Арсен Люпен. Жюль Бери, Габриэль Сигноре, Транслит Б. Пастернак. Охранная грамота Поиск людей
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