Charles Enoch, Inci Otker-Robe

Rapid Credit Growth in Central and Eastern Europe: Endless Boom or Early Warning?

This book represents the latest developments and policy debate on a very current issue: the rapid growth of banking sector credit to the private sector, which continues to occupy the minds of academics and policymakers alike in many...

N.G. Gregory, T Grandin

Animal Welfare and Meat Production

Animal welfare issues are becoming increasingly prominent in animal prodution, for both economic and moral reasons. This book presents a clear understanding of the relationship between the welfare of major food animal species and their physiology,...

Л. В. Беловинский

Иллюстрированный энциклопедический историко-бытовой словарь русского народа XVIII - начало XX в.

Эта книга - уникальное, богато иллюстрированное издание, посвященное истории повседневной жизни и быта России XVII - начала XX в. Здесь раскрываются основные реалии государственной, общественной и частной, сельской и городской жизни Российской...

Keiko Kinoshita

You And Harujion (Yaoi)

Haru Akaishi's father has just died, leaving him an orphan at age 17. It seems his father was in a lot of debt and took out some shady loans. Just when the Yakuza-esque creditors come to collect, a mysterious lawyer named Yuuji Senoh appears and...

David Levithan

Boy Meets Boy

This is the story of Paul, a sophomore at a high school like no other: The cheerleaders ride Harleys, the homecoming queen used to be a guy named Daryl (she now prefers Infinite Darlene and is also the star quarterback), and the gay-straight...

<<<  Дарья Калинина. Тренинг для любовницы             А. П. Голубев, Н. В. Балюк, И. Б. Смирнова. Английский язык >>>

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