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Возрастная психология. Детство, отрочество, юность
В хрестоматии раскрывается феноменология детства, отрочества, юности через психологическую литературу, отражающую возраст в научных теориях и эмпирических исследованиях. Кроме того, представлены образцы исповедальной литературы, дневников философов,...
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Michael Snodgrass Deference and Defiance in Monterrey : Workers, Paternalism, and Revolution in Mexico, 1890-1950 (Cambridge Latin American Studies)
Book DescriptionMichael Snodgrass explores how workers and industrialists perceived, responded to and helped determine the outcome of Mexico's revolution over a sixty-year period. His study begins with Monterrey's emergence as one of...
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Sardar M.N. Islam Empirical Finance : Modelling and Analysis of Emerging Financial and Stock Markets (Contributions to Economics)
Book DescriptionThe emphasis of this book is on understanding special characteristics of the financial systems of emerging markets, where the existence of market imperfections such as asymmetric information, adverse selection and moral hazard...
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Jeffrey Slater Practical Business Math Procedures w/ DVD, Business Math Handbook, and Wall Street Journal insert
Book DescriptionPractical Business Math Procedures is a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and applications of mathematics to personal and commercial business problems. The text uses basic arithmetic and problem solving techniques and...
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USA International Business Publications Macedonia Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide
Book DescriptionThis study guide contains basic information on economy, government, business, history and geography, climate, traditions, people, places to visit. Provides information on government, political organizations, and more... Includes...
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