Ian Lerche

Economics of Petroleum Production, Vol. 2: Value and Worth

Book DescriptionConcerned with hydrocarbon production economics, this two-volume set dissects the old adage in the oil industry that exploration for hydrocarbons loses money while production of hydrocarbons makes money. Issues explored include how...

James O. Parker

Tax Power For The Self-Employed: Straightforward Advice From An Expert

Book DescriptionTax Power for the Self-Employed gives you the indispensable tools to take the money you make from your business, side job or favorite hobby and meet the demands of the IRS. Learn exactly what you need to do to qualify for more...

Geoffrey Elliott

Mobile Commerce and Wireless Computing Systems

Book DescriptionAs content delivery over wireless devices becomes faster and more secure, it is thought that mobile commerce (m-commerce) will overtake tethered e-commerce as the medium of choice for digital commerce transactions. As well as the...

Janet Portman

Renters' Rights: The Basics

Book DescriptionIs it next to impossible to get the rent out of your roommate each month? Or is your landlord forgetting about the clogged drain he said he'd repair weeks ago? Then it's time to assert your renters' rights! Aimed at everyone from...

Barbara London

A Short Course in Photography : An Introduction to Photographic Technique (6th Edition)

Book Description This easy-to-use, inexpensive book introduces beginning picture takers and makers to the fundamentals of photography and suggests ways in which they might create photographs that have meaning. Oriented toward...

<<<  Women and Men in Russia. 2004. Statistical Handbook. The statistical handbook ...             Мэри Элизабет Брэддон. Тайна фамильных бриллиантов >>>

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Народ.ру Л. Сомпайрак. Что такое рак? Л. В. Комиссарова, И. Г. Присягина. Контрольные Яхо И. П. Павлов. Первый Нобелевский лауреат России. Надежда Мандельштам. Надежда Мандельштам. Воспоминания. В 2 Календарь 2008 (на спирали). Дикая природа. Календарь содержит живописные Поиск майл.ру Наталья Александрова. Игра случая Одноклассники Яндекс Нигма Заложники. Джек (Томас Ян Гриффитс) чудом выиграл James Levine. Mozart: Idomeneo. Mozart: Idomeneo (Act
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