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Ron Krannich Nail the Resume : Great Tips for Creating Dynamite Resumes
Book DescriptionThis book helps users transform ordinary resumes into outstanding resumes that immediately grab attention of emploers....
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Tom Peters Talent (Tom Peters Essentials)
Tom Peters is back and in his own words?he's "Mad as Hell." Breaking down the message from his bestselling Re-Imagine! , these four pocket-sized books deliver crucial business truths to those who are looking for inspiration on leadership,...
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Su-En Wong Su-en Wong
Book DescriptionIn her beautifully rendered colored pencil and acrylic self-portraits, Su-en Wong uses her attractive young-Asian-woman self as a generic yet specific character through which to examine memory, vulnerability, sexuality, power, and...
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Laura Washington Herbal Medicine for Health & Well-Being
Book Description In a beautifully illustrated and comprehensive manual, a doctor of naturopathic medicine presents practical, easy-to-follow information on how to stay healthy the herbal way. She offers a variety of remedies and recipes that...
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Anne Lindbergh The Prisoner of Pineapple Place (Reissues)
Book Description An absorbing, classic fantasy that taps into the wishful thinking of every imaginative child. The invisible residents of Pineapple Place have lived on the same block for fifty years, where nobody ages and nothing...
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Дэвид Хардинг, Сэм Роувит. Искусство слияний и поглощений. Четыре
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