Helmut Newton

Helmut Newton: Pola Woman

What a sketch is for the painter is a Polaroid for the photographer, namely the first formulation of a concept, the raw material of the imagination, as it were. When Helmut Newton published a selection of his Polaroids in Pola Woman in 1992, the...

Michael Collins

Record Pictures: Photographs From The Archive Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers

Book DescriptionBefore the invention of photography, civil engineers employed topographic artists to record the progression of their projects. Termed "record pictures," these illustrations followed the tradition of the Dutch topographical landscapes...

Marti Guixe libre de contexte / context-free / kontext-frei : Including the Kitchen-Buildings Project

Book DescriptionDer "Ex-Designer" und Kunstler Marti Guixe lebt zwischen Berlin und Barcelona und anderswo. Seine Arbeiten zeichnen sich aus durch die Einfachheit der Formen und Materialien, durch eine unscheue Ironie fur die...

Robert Jones

Internet Forensics

Book DescriptionBecause it's so large and unregulated, the Internet is a fertile breeding ground for all kinds of scams and schemes. Usually it's your credit card number they're after, and they won't stop there. Not just mere annoyances, these...

Россию поднял на дыбы... В двух томах. Том 1

Первый том двухтомного издания в библиотеке "История Отечества в романах, повестях и документах" посвящен исключительному по своей важности периоду в истории развития России - царствованию Петра I. В книгу вошли произведения, отражающие картину...

<<<  100% видео английский (книга + 2 DVD video). "100% видео английский" - ...             П. Самородницкий. Опровержение будущего. Введение в телеологию человека >>>

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