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Harold Linton, Laura Clary, Steven Rost Marketing for Architects and Designers
A treasury of ideas for well-designed promotional materials to help architectural firms market their services. Large and small architecture firms alike will appreciate this survey of the broad array of marketing materials that can help...
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Terrorism Coverage for Commercial Lines Textbook
The purpose of this course is to help insurance professionals accurately advise policyholders about the new terrorism coverage options now available for commercial lines as a result of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (TRIA). An...
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Frank Damazio, Rich Brott, RICK BROTT Family Finance Handbook: Discovering The Blessings Of Financial Freedom
With insights gained from twenty-five years in business and ministry, the authors lead you through the book using biblical principles of stewardship and financial management. They show you how to get out of debt and guide you carefully through the...
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Сергей Симонович, Георгий Евсеев Компьютер и уход за ним. Практическое руководство по эффективному обслуживанию компьютера
В книге расширенно рассмотрены практические задачи, охватывающие защиту, профилактику, диагностику, оптимизацию, наладку, настройку и восстановление компьютерных систем, работающих в операционной среде Windows XP. На конкретных примерах представлены...
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Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Deitel, Assoc., Deitel, Associates C How to Program, Fourth Edition
Highly practical in approach, this book introduces learners to the fundamental notions of structured programming and software engineering. KEY TOPICS It covers the full C language, key library functions, object-oriented programming...
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