Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Eli Schragenheim, Carol A. Ptak

Necessary But Not Sufficient

After reading the newspapers and following the sharp oscillations of the stock market, it becomes apparent that hi-tech companies are of a different breed. Never before have the chances of making a fortune been so realistic and never before have...

Карнаухова Л.

Государственный музей А. С. Пушкина, Москва

Альбом-каталог представляет небольшую, но наиболее значимую и изученную часть музейного собрания - коллекцию живописного и графического портрета XVIII-XIX веков. Государственный музей А.С.Пушкина, являясь музеем литературного профиля, в...

Yves Gagnon

Design Process Management Using Pro/INTRALINK

This book has been written for all Pro/ENGINEER® users who would like to become familiar with Pro/INTRALINK and use it in a powerful concurrent engineering environment. The learner will have to have a basic knowledge of Pro/ENGINEER (minimum...

Craig Standing

Internet Commerce Development

If you?re an IT professional assigned the task of developing a comprehensive e-commerce solution, look no further than this new book. It helps you design and implement an e-commerce website that is an integral part of your entire IT system using a...

Vladimir Getov, Michael Gerndt, Adolfy Hoisie, Allen Malony, Barton Miller

Performance Analysis and Grid Computing

Past and current research in computer performance analysis has focused primarily on dedicated parallel machines. However, future applications in the area of high-performance computing will not only use individual parallel systems but a large set of...

<<<  Timothy P. Kessler. Global Capital and National Politics: ...             Владимир Васильев. Горячий старт >>>

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