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Richard B. Higgins Best Practices in Global Investor Relations: The Creation of Shareholder Value
World-class organizations, those with the most effective investor relations, provide the financial community with information that is candid, open, specific, timely,and future oriented. Higgins selects the best of these companies and finds that the...
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Stephen Robert Foerster Financial Management: A Primer
The perfect guide for the non-finance expert who needs to digest and react to financial data. Managers and investors operating in the post-dot-com, post-Enron, post-WorldCom business world cannot afford to remain fuzzy about the financial...
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Marlene Caroselli Great Session Openers, Closers, and Energizers: Quick Activities for Warming Up Your Audience and Ending on a High Note
Here's everything a speaker or trainer needs to keep the audience awake, alert, and involved. This fun-filled collection of can't-miss activities contains the openers, closers, and energizers you can use to kick off each session with a bang, bring...
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Fran R. Matera, Ray J. Artigue Public Relations Campaigns and Techniques: Building Bridges into the 21st Century
A new entry in this market, Public Relations Campaigns and Techniques projects the role of PR into the 21st Century with a focus on the use of technology, current trends, and the globalization of the PR function....
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Bill Calkins Solaris 9 System Administration Training Guide (Exam CX-310-014 and CX-310-015)
Author Bill Calkins is the leading voice of this industry, and he's once again delivered the perfect study companion for UNIX system professionals preparing for the Solaris 9 System Administrator exams (310-014 and 310-015). Readers preparing for...
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