Эмиль Золя

Страница любви. Доктор Паскаль

Два романа крупнейшего французского писателя Э. Золя (1840 - 1902), вошедшие в настоящее издание, относятся к 20-томной серии романов "Ругон-Маккары" - истории одной семьи. Роман "Доктор Паскаль" завершает серию, в нем подводится итог всей жизни...

Gordon K. Williamson

Getting Started in Annuities (Getting Started In.....)

Getting Started in annuities One of the most popular retirement investment options, annuities are also among the most difficult to comprehend. This handy volume provides an in-depth, easy-to-understand look at these complex instruments,...

Dale W. Jorgenson, Barbara M. Fraumeni, Frank M. Gollop

Productivity and U.S. Economic Growth

Although the level of U.S. per capita output was higher than that of any other industrialized country at the end of World War II, output has increased by more than four times and per capita output has more than doubled. Empirical evidence has...

Jianmin Zhao, Bruce J. Dickson, Chien-Min Zhao

Remaking the Chinese State: Strategies, Society, and Security (Asia's Transformations)

After more than twenty years of economic and political reform, China is a vastly different country than that left by Mao. Almost all the policies and practices of era have been abandoned, with the goals of revolution in foreign and domestic policy...

Jessica R. Adolino, Charles H. Blake

Comparing Public Policies: Issues and Choices in Six Industrialized Countries

How do the public policies of the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom stack up against one another? Comparing Public Policies combines a conceptual discussion of policy-making with an examination of seven specific...

<<<  А. П. Чехов. В сумерках. Очерки и рассказы             Э. И. Александрова. Математика. 2 класс. Учебник. Часть ... >>>

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