Под редакцией Роберта Уинстона

Человек. Полный иллюстрированный путеводитель

Всеобъемлющий и необычайно богатый информацией, иллюстрированный путеводитель "Человек" поможет вам понять, кто мы есть на самом деле. Ни в одном другом издании все аспекты нашего существования не рассматриваются настолько детально и глубоко и не...

Istvan Hont

Jealousy of Trade : International Competition and the Nation-State in Historical Perspective

Book DescriptionThis collection explores eighteenth-century theories of international market competition that continue to be relevant for the twenty-first century. "Jealousy of trade" refers to a particular conjunction between politics and...

Christine D. Hauber

Working in the USA

Book DescriptionFor three years photographer Christine Hauber traveled throughout the United States to explore work life at the turn of the 21st Century. The hundreds of images that resulted, as well as the subjects' own words, reveal a surprising...

Derek Kirk Kim

Same Difference & Other Stories

After selling through the self-published run of Same Difference and Other Stories in just a few short months, Derek Kirk Kim proudly moves his debut collection to Top Shelf! Through a series of sensitive - and often hilarious - short stories, Kim...

James King

True Heart

Book DescriptionAs the Grand Imperium wreaks havoc, death, and destruction in an evil campaign for absolute power on the planet Ahsai, two youths set out on separate quests to find the wisdom of the Ancient Ones; the only power to defeat the...

<<<  Александр Беляев. Александр Беляев. Собрание сочинений в ...             Э. И. Александрова. Математика. 2 класс. Учебник. Часть ... >>>

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