International Business Publications, USA

Guam Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)

Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers…...

Chip R. Bell

Managers as Mentors 2 Ed: Building Partnerships for Learning

Power is no longer the ticket to upward mobility or job security?competence is! Leaders as mentors must replace advice on 'how to get ahead' with guidance on "how to get (and stay) smart." This book introduces a revolutionary new paradigm for...

Victor Zarnowitz

Business Cycles: Theory, History, Indicators, and Forecasting

This volume presents the most complete collection available of the work of Victor Zarnowitz, a leader in the study of business cycles, growth, inflation, and forecasting.. With characteristic insight, Zarnowitz examines theories of the...

Zoltan Acs, David Audretsch

Innovation and Small Firms

Utilizing a unique data set, Zoltan Acs and David Audretsch provide a rich empirical analysis of the increased importance of small firms in generating technological innovations and their growing contribution to the U.S. economy. They identify the...

Charles J. Morris, Theodore J. St. Antoine

The Blue Eagle At Work: Reclaiming Democratic Rights In The American Workplace

In The Blue Eagle at Work, Charles J. Morris, a renowned labor law scholar and preeminent authority on the National Labor Relations Act, uncovers a long-forgotten feature of that act that offers an exciting new approach to the revitalization of the...

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Каталог софта Jean-Claude Geffroy, Gilles Motet, Jean Claude Geffroy, G. Motet. Design Вести М. С. Александрова. 100 лучших растений для Мегафон Почта.ру The Iowa Anthology of New American Poetries. Book DescriptionThis landmark Хрестоматия по культурологии. В двух томах. William H. Danforth. Random Ramblings in India Лист Ronald E. Yates. The Kikkoman Chronicles: Одноклассники Транслит
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