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Austin Pryor The Sound Mind Investing Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Managing Your Money from a Biblical Perspective
Many excellent books teach God's principles of finance. Perhaps one or more of them has helped you lay a strong biblical foundation for carrying out your money management responsibilities. But as you try to apply those principles to making real-life...
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Hank Moore The High Cost of Doing Nothing: How to avoid troubles and assure success - Painting the Big Picture of Business Knowledge
Why do good companies go bad? Why do they start with so much energy and promise but end up mired in bureaucracy and plodding toward mediocrity and failure? Answers to those questions can be found in The High Cost of Doing Nothing by Hank Moore. ...
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James Stroman, Kevin Wilson, Jennifer Wauson, K. Wilson Administrative Assistant's and Secretary's Handbook
Being a professional administrative assistant requires an astonishing and varied range of skills involving interpersonal communication, written presentations, and organizational ability. Between coordinating meetings, making travel arrangements,...
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Richard Hundhausen, Steven Borg Programming ADO.NET
A powerful tool for delivering data-driven content across the Web, ADO.NET is the new set of data access services for Microsoft's .NET Framework. Because of its many new features, experienced and new programmers alike need to learn ADO.NET from the...
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Iptps 200, Frans Kaashoek, Ion Stoica Peer-To-Peer Systems II: Second International Workshop, Iptps 2003, Berkeley, Ca, Usa, February 21-22, 2003 : Revised Paper (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2735)
In very short time, peer-to-peer computing has evolved from an attractive new paradigm into an exciting and vibrant research field bringing together researchers from systems, networking, and theory. This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed...
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Мэри Блейк. Как рисовать. Пастель. Пошаговое руководство для начинающих
Kathleen A. Staudt. Free Trade: Informal Economies at
Lynn Tillman, Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen. Uncommon Places: The Complete Works
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