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HR to the Rescue: Case Studies of HR Solutions to Business Challenges (Improving Human Performance Series)
By looking over the shoulders of fourteen forward-thinking, proactive HR professionals, you will gain a lifetime's worth of experience. These experts reveal how you can demonstrate your value to your organization by offering human resource solutions...
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Betty Holcomb Not Guilty: The Good News for Working Mothers
In this provocative work, Betty Holcomb offers a fresh and thoughtful analysis of the real costs and benefits of women working outside the home. Puncturing popular myths, she takes a hard look at decades of research and shows that working...
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Stewart Howe Retailing In The European Union: Structures, Competition and Performance
This is an in-depth analysis of the structure of retailing, and particular government legislation and controls affecting individual economies within the EU. Written by authors from the subject countries, the book covers all major EU economies and...
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The New Marketing
The New Marketing presents a comprehensively revised blueprint for the marketing process developed by Malcolm McDonald and Hugh Wilson to address second-generation changes brought about by technological development and the associated 'information...
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Peggy E. Wicker, Harriet U. Schultz The ABC's of Running an Elementary Classroom
A reference for experienced teachers showing how to implrment simple programs and get substantial results...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Топ майл.ру
Провинциальный игрок 2. Перед вами - вторая часть культового квеста
С. В. Никитин, О. А. Сафарова. Краткая энциклопедия сновидений
Топ майл.ру
Все о Линукс
Наш дом. Анатолий Папанов ("Инкогнито из Петербурга"),
Русское радио
Энциклопедия уголовного права. Том 9. Назначение наказания.
Кэтлин Вудивисс. Приди, полюби незнакомца
Хрестоматия по культурологии. В двух томах.
Мой мир
Веселая улица. Книга-пазл. Книжка-пазл на плотной бумаге, про автомобили,
Жан-Кристоф Гранже. Империя Волков