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Автомобили мира, 2006
Технические данные. Статистика. Новинки года. Концепт-кары. 2000 моделей. 250 компаний. 300 марок. 1500 фотографий. ...
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Лю В Тайваньское радио спросили... 100 ответов слушателям "МРТ"
Книга содержит лаконичные непринужденные ответы на самые разные, порой неожиданные и "деликатные", вопросы слушателей "Международного радио Тайваня". Из этих ответов читатели смогут составить живое и достоверное представление об истории, культуре,...
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Stephen K. Wegren The Moral Economy Reconsidered : Russia's Search for Agrarian Capitalism
Book Description This book examines the how the rural population responded to reform policies during the transition away from communism. Wegren draws upon extensive field work, survey data, interviews, and wide-ranging Russian language...
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R. W. Davies The Years of Hunger : Soviet Agriculture, 1931-1933 (The Industrialization of Soviet Russia)
Book Description This book examines the Soviet agricultural crisis of 1931-1933 which culminated in the major famine of 1933. It is the first volume in English to make extensive use of Russian and Ukrainian central and local archives to assess...
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Herve Moulin Fair Division and Collective Welfare
Book DescriptionThe concept of fair division is as old as civil society itself. Aristotle's "equal treatment of equals" was the first step toward a formal definition of distributive fairness. The concept of collective welfare, more than two...
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