Marilyn Ann Moss

Giant : George Stevens, a Life on Film

Book Description Marilyn Moss’s Giant examines the life of one of the most influential directors to work in Hollywood from the 1930s to the 1960s. George Stevens directed such popular and significant films as ...

Janet Golden

Message in a Bottle : The Making of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,

Book DescriptionA generation has passed since a physician first noticed that women who drank heavily while pregnant gave birth to underweight infants with disturbing tell-tale characteristics. Women whose own mothers enjoyed martinis while pregnant...

Ulf Lagerkvist

Pioneers of Microbiology and the Nobel Prize

Book DescriptionWe are swamped with information and each day seems to bring new discoveries that must be considered. Never before in the history of science have so many scientists been as active as today. It has become a major problem for the expert...

American Diabetes Association

Diabetes, A-Z

Book Description Comprehensive and easy to read, this book covers everything from alcohol to vitamins. Alphabetized for super-speedy reference, it allows readers to flip right to the desired section-- there are more than 51 vital categories. ...

Ping Chen

Modern Chinese Ear Acupuncture

Book DescriptionThis useful and well-organized text precisely lays out the indications and applications for ear acupuncture, the characteristics of point selection, and the principles of prescription formation. Using charts, it describes anatomical...

<<<  Robert M. Emmerichs. An Executive Perspective on ...             Эфраим Севела. Моня Цацкес - знаменосец >>>

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Транслит ДМОЗ Timothy Greenfield-Sanders: Face to Face: Selected Portraits Первый рыцарь. Коллекционное издание. Шон Коннери ("Неприкасаемые", Полное руководство по самообороне. В руководстве Kenna. New Sacred Cow. Рожденный в Эфиопии, но выросший в Цинциннати и Вирджиниа Статистика Мой мир Дм. Хренков. Николай Тихонов в Ленинграде Работа Психология посттравматического стресса. Часть 1. Теория и методы. Первая часть Рефераты Методические основы языкового образования и литературного развития Корбина А. Андреев. Свет в потемках Ярослав Морозов. Ларин Петр и сокровище острова Корвид SUTHERL. PAVAROTTI. DONI:L'ELISIR D'A. Исполнитель: SUTHERL. PAVAROTTI Работа Фото
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