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Paul E. Harris Planning and Scheduling Using Microsoft Project 2000
The book is a straight forward practical guide on how to use Microsoft Project 2000 up to an intermediate level in a single project environment. It is aimed at any industry including the building, construction, oil & gas, software development,...
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K. McEvoy, J. V. Tucker, C. J. van Rijsbergen Theoretical Foundations of VLSI Design (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)
This book discusses recent research in the theoretical foundations of several subjects of importance for the design of hardware, and for computer science in general. The physical technologies of very large scale integration (VLSI) are having major...
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Tom Hagen, Mindworks Mindworks A+ Certification PC Maintenance and Repair
This book will prepare your students to pass the A+ certification exam as well as train them to become successful computer service technicians. Readers are prepared for the A+ exam in areas like assembly and disassembly of PCs, diagnosing and...
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Alea Fairchild Year 2000 Compliance: A Guide to Successful Implementation
CTR's new 229-page report explores the impact the Year 2000 (Y2K) problem will have on organizations around the globe. The report is a step-by-step guide designed to help businesses develop and implement a Y2K plan, offering an easy-to-follow...
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J. D. Marymee, Sandy Stevens, Gary Hein Novell's Guide to Integrating NetWare® 5 and NT
Maximize your mixed environment. Combine the speed, performance, and scalability of NetWare 5 with Windows NT Server's BackOffice. With complete coverage of Novell and Microsoft networking technologies and integration utilities, this practical guide...
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