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Mark G. Popovich, David Osborne Creating High-Performance Government Organizations (Jossey-Bass Nonprofit and Public Management Series)
This is the most challenging time for public management that I have seen in my 35 years of public and non-profit service. The ?survivors,' ten years from now, will be working in systems they could not possibly imagine now. They will have gotten...
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Jeffrey S. Harrison Strategic Management : Of Resources and Relationships (Concepts and Cases)
From internal resources such as people, knowledge, and capital to relationships with external stakeholders such as customers and suppliers - Strategic Management of Resources and Relationships provides students with one realistic, comprehensive, and...
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Linda Coleman-Willis A Complete Guide To Selling Books for the Self-Published Author
A Complete Guide To Selling Books is an invaluable reference guide for established and aspiring authors and publishers who want to sell more books. The "Complete Guide" provides a short cut for getting your book to buyers: from the marketing plan,...
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Randall S. Van Reken Nevada Real Estate License Law: Analysis, Interpretation, and Sample Questions for the Licensing Candidate
This text explains the aspects Nevada Real Estate Law that are examination subjects on the Nevada Real Estate Licensing Examinations for Brokers and salespersons. Each chapter is an overview of the law with the actual text of the law next to...
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Jonni Kanerva The Java FAQ
This book provides an insider's view of the Java(tm) technology by posing and answering the most important, frequently asked questions about the Java programming language, Java applets, and Java stand-alone applications. The Java(tm) FAQ is...
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Ленмар Акимов. 3000 английских слов повседневного общения всего за пару дней
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Facsimile. Й. Гайдн. Симфонии № 94 и 103. К изданию
Л. Н. Толстой. Л. Н. Толстой. Собрание сочинений
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В. И. Савин, Д. Л. Щур. Кадры торговли. Сборник должностных и